- 使用Print100 咭片皇網上【自助落單平台】,客戶可使用支付寶香港 Alipay HK、Paypal、信用咭付款。
- 網上落單亦可使用轉數快 FPS、PayMe HSBC、PPS 繳費靈、銀行轉帳、微信付款香港 WeChat Pay HK。為盡快處理貴客戶的繳款,付款後請提供有關付款紀錄 (付款編號、入數紙、訂單編號、發票編號)以作核實,客戶可透過電郵方式提供資料到 deposit@print100.com
- 門市付款 - 客戶可使用 現金、 支票、八達通 Octopus付款。
- 詳情可參考 付款方法
- 客戶落單時必須同時繳付訂單金額全數。
- 本公司會於收到付款後開始處理相關訂單。
- 選用郵政通函服務,亦須在確認訂單時連郵寄費用全數繳付。如以支票付款,本公司會在銀行成功過數後開始處理相關訂單。
- 在非銀行辦公時間內以 ATM 轉帳或以支票機轉帳,本公司需待下一個工作天才能確認有關款項。
- 跨行網上轉賬則需待兩至三個工作天才能確認有關款項。
- 使用繳費靈 PPS 付款,有關款項需待下一個工作天方可確認,如付款時間為下午5時後,須要另加一個工作天才可確認有關款項。
- 所有透過海外其他銀行匯款或轉帳致本公司香港上海匯豐銀行戶口所衍生的銀行服務費將由客戶承擔及負責。
- 客戶轉帳後請於本公司辦公時間內 (星期一至五:上午九時至下午六時 ; 星期六:上午九時至下午十二時半),將入數紙連同訂單或發票編號電郵到 deposit@print100.com 以作核實。
- 所有發票金額將以四捨五入計算,並以最接近之圓數收取。
- 如有任何未繳清之帳目,需繳清後方可重新落單。
- 如客戶未付清款項,本公司會向客戶追收相關貨款。
- 若本公司因追討貴客之任何欠款所付出之律師費、服務費或其他費用,貴客當一力承擔。
- 一般工商業區送貨服務需要一至兩個工作天安排, 其他地區需要時間可能會再多一至兩個工作天。
- 因路面情況難以預計,恕無法估計到貨時間,不便之處,敬請原諒。
- Foamboard及油畫產品,建議客戶到 Print100咭片皇 自取貨件(只限荔枝角分店),因Foamboard產品於運送途中容易出現損毀。如選擇送貨服務,另行報價,如有任何損壞,本公司恕不負責。
- 運輸費用並不包括排隊、排倉、進入貨物裝卸區、機埸空運、停車場、搬運上落梯級等額外服務,如遇到以上情況,本公司須要另行報價。
- 若懸掛8號或以上颱風信號,所有貨品生產期將延遲一至兩個工作天。交貨日期可能會與 Print100 咭片皇網上系統顯示有所不同。 貴客需致電客戶服務部熱線 2968 0000,查詢並確定最終交貨日期。
- 如客戶要求指定時間內送到,請致電客戶服務熱線 2968 0000 查詢及報價。
- 如貨件到達收貨地址而無人收件,重新安排送貨的額外費用將由客戶承擔。
- 貨期以確定稿件及成功付款起計,不包括做稿或送貨時間
- 本公司會在個別情況下(如印刷機器損壞),自行更改印刷方式,以達至交貨日期而不作另行通知
- 網上產品圖片只作參考,顏色不能作準。模板樣本照片顏色與實物會有偏差,部份產品提供實物樣本,可親臨 Print100咭片皇 查看
- 報價單有效期為30日
- 留意期間內價格可能改動,本公司不會作另行通知。
- 請於訂單完成後45天內取貨,逾期貨件將安排銷毀,有關訂金及款項將不予發還。
- 自取貨件時,請即場檢查貨件品質及數量,貨物出門,恕不退換。
- 有關送貨,如客戶發現貨件有品質或數量問題,請於收貨後五天內致電熱線 29680000 通知本公司及退回有關貨件。逾期通知,本公司恕不負責。
- 如品質出現嚴重問題,本公司會安排重印。唯印刷檔案內容、數量、尺寸及規格,不得修改。
- 有問題的貨件必須退回本公司處理,退貨必需保持完整。客戶需自行安排所有退貨之運送,本公司恕不予安排回收退貨。
- 如有任何定單的索償,本公司只接受重印或退回相關貨款為上限,貴客任何損失,本公司恕不負責。
- 客戶需負責及保證印刷品已獲得所有必須的版權、權限、權利和授權而落單印刷。
- 印刷品若有任何沒有版權或未經許可之標誌、圖片、反對字眼、不雅、淫穢淫褻字句、誹謗、侵犯私隱、偽冒、抄襲、複製、侵犯知識產權、侵犯任何第三者權利等內容,所有有關之法律責任,本公司一概不負責。
- 客戶需負責及保證印刷品沒有使用任何未經版權持有人授權的文字、圖像圖片、設計、商標及作品;印刷品不會侵犯任何第三方的版權、商標、宣傳、私隱,以及不會誹謗或詆毁任何第三方;印刷品內容不涉及沒有版權或未經許可之標誌、圖片、反對字眼、不雅、淫穢淫褻字句、誹謗、侵犯私隱、偽冒、抄襲、複製、侵犯知識產權、侵犯任何第三者權利等內容客戶需負責及保證已獲得所有必須的權限、權利和授權而落單印刷。
- 如有需要,本公司將要求客戶出示有關之權限授權書以作核實。
- 客戶應理解並同意有法律責任和合同義務,保證所有提供給本公司的材料,符合香港特別行政區所有適用法律和法規,包括但不限於《個人資料(私隱)條例》、《淫穢及不雅物品管制條例》和《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法》。
- 本公司對客戶或其代理人提供給本公司的內容不承擔任何檢查或核實責任。
- 本公司保留不接受訂單或不繼續印刷或交付任何可能違反法律法規或道德規範的項目的權利。
- 本公司在此聲明,不對使用者及其代理人或任何第三方的印刷內容、相關展示、發佈或使用承擔任何責任。
- 客戶如違反上述服務條款,導致本公司承受任何損失或被提出任何形式的訴訟、索賠、通知或採取的任何行動,客戶需承諾彌償本公司所遭受的任何損失,包括但不限於相關的索賠、損失、成本和合理之律師費用。
- 本公司可能會因應法院、政府或監管機構的命令或法律或法規要求而披露貴客之檔案及印刷品內容。
- 本公司擁有任何是否打印或生產之最終決定權。
- 所有印刷品以本公司之色彩管理為準,螢幕顯示的顏色(RGB)或自家打印紙稿的顏色不能作為顏色標準。
- 色彩之標準可參考四色配色手冊的百分比(或以我們印製之啞膠/白咭/UV咭片/信紙色版)。
- 如客戶對顏色有嚴格要求,可要求在印前打稿,打稿收費需另行報價。
- 本公司不負責校對,客戶確認稿件前,請自行小心核對所有資料為確實無誤。
- 落單稿件一經確認後,以客戶確認之稿件印刷交貨,如有錯誤,本公司恕不負責。
- 在合理的色差範內,本公司不接客戶任何重印、折扣或退款之要求。
- 如自來稿之尺寸、顏色、圖像解像度、出血位、字體大小、字款、內容等,與客戶要求有差異,本公司恕不負責。
- 重覆訂單時,色彩可能出現差距,色差度在正負十個百分比為正常印刷之標準,因控墨量每次都會不同所致。
- 如稿件上有QR code或Barcode等條碼,本公司不保證條碼內的資料能讀取正常。
- 由於生產上可能出現損耗,引致交貨數量可能出現5%相差,本公司恕不負責補印。
- 網上圖片只供參考,一切以該產品實物為準。
- 所有價目如有變化均不另行通知。
- 本公司有權更改以上條款、條件、細則及須知而無須預先通知。
- 閣下對所有經用戶號碼發出的所有聲明及所做的所有行為負責。閣下同意在當用戶號碼遺失或被盜,或保密性被侵犯時立即知會Print100 咭片皇。閣下明確同意 Print100 咭片皇基於提醒閣下密碼、維持向你提供服務及/或遵照法院及/或政府部門合法要求時進入閣下帳戶。
- 帳號及密碼是代表閣下的身份,閣下應妥善保管帳號及密碼,不得將帳號及密碼洩露給其他人或供他人使用。而閣下的帳號及密碼所進行的所有行為,均被視為閣下擁有該帳號及密碼的所作行為。且凡經由閣下帳號所產生的各項費用,閣下均有支付的責任。如閣下發現閣下的帳號及密碼遭盜用或其他不當的使用,閣下必須立即通知本公司,以便採取相關措施。
- 如客人超過三次逾期清繳貨款,本公司有權隨時終止貴客之帳戶而無須事前通知。
- 客人帳戶之信貸額將以本公司批核為準。如有需要,本公司有權要求貴客提供其他所需文件作進一步審批用途。
- 貴客同意在收貨時,於發票上簽名及蓋章,並確認全部收妥後。
- 本公司將於每月結帳日後五個工作天內向貴客發出月結單。月結單之"應繳款項"包括所有截至"結帳日"當晚23:59前所有已發出而未清繳款項的發票。如貴客逾期繳付月結費用,本公司有權向貴客收取相等於逾期金額(5%)的逾期費用。
- 本公司有權隨時更改或終止信貸給貴客而無須事前通知。
Payment Method
- Using our online platform to place an order, client can pay via Alipay HK or Paypal or Credit Card.
- Client can also pay via FPS, PayMe HSBC, PPS, Bank Transfer, WeChat Pay HK.
- Or pay at our store by cash, cheque or Octopus
- For details, please checkPayment Method
- Payment should be made before picking up the goods.
- Please provide payment detials and the relevant invoice number or job number after the payment is done.
- Please email the information to deposit@print100.comfor record or inform us by calling hotline 2968 0000
- Invoice amount will be rounded up to the nearest dollar.
- 2 3 extra working days are needed to confirm receipt of inter-bank online payment (For example, transfer payment from BOC to HSBC)
- 1 extra working day is needed to confirm receipt of online PPS payment. (1 extra working day if transfer after 5:00pm)
- 1 extra working day is needed to confirm receipt of payment via ATM after bank business hour
- 1 extra working day is needed to confirm receipt of payment via Cheque Machine after bank business hour
- 1 extra working day is needed to confirm receipt of payment via online after bank business hour
- For international payment, 3 - 4 working days are needed to confirm receipt of payment.
- Delivery is available within working hours
- For general commercial and industrial area, delivery takes 1-2 working day.
- For remote district, delivery may need 2-3 working days.
- Delivery to remote district such as the Airport, Park Island, Hong Kong Disneyland, Discovery Bay, Cheung Chau, Lantau Island, Lamma Island, Pang Chau, subject to quotation.
- For foamboard and canvas products, customer is advised to pick up at our office (Lai Chi Kok office only) to avoid damage during transport. We will not be responsible for reprint or refund if there is any damage during transport.
- The above delivery charge does not include any other miscellaneous expenses such as warehouse charge. Contact us for quotation if necessary.
- If no one picks up goods when it arrives at the delivery address, customer has to bear for the additional cost incurred for the second delivery.
- To avoid any delay in delivery, please arrange full payment at least 1 day before delivery.For general commercial and industrial area, delivery takes 1-2 working day
- When typhoon or rainstorm warning is hoisted, delivery may be delayed.
- Production will be started after payment and artwork are done.
- We may change the printing method in certain circumstances to meet the delivery date without further notice.
- Product pictures on our website are for reference only. Color may be different from the actual product. Please come to our office for the actual samples.
- Our quotation is valid for 30 days.
- There maybe changes on the price without further notice.
- Please pick up goods within 45 days after order is completed. Goods may be destroyed after the pick-up time and the deposit or the payment will not be refunded.
- Check the quality and the quantity of goods on spot. Our company does not accept any returns after that.
- For delivery, if there is any problem on the quality or the quantity of the goods, please contact us at 29680000 within 5 days after receipt of the goods for the necessary arrangement. Our company does not accept any returns after that.
- If there is serious problem on the quality, our company will be responsible for reprinting based on no change of content, quantity, size or other specification.
- Customers need to arrange delivery of return if any.
- If there is any claim on the order, our company will only be responsible for reprint or refund the relevant payment. Our company will not be responsible for any loss of customer.
- Customer should ensure to have the copyright of the printing material before placing an order.
- Customer should be responsible for the content of the printing material if it contains any objectionable, indecent, obscene word or picture, or any defamation, any infringement of privacy, intellectual property rights, third party’s rights or plagiarism. Our company will not be responsible for the related legal responsibility.
- ustomer should ensure that the printing material do not contain any text, image, picture, design or trademark which are not authorized by the copyright holder and do not contain any objectionable, indecent, obscene word or picture, or any defamation, any infringement of privacy, intellectual property rights, third party’s rights or plagiarism before placing an order.
- We may require our customer to provide authorization for verification of the copyright if necessary.
- Customers should understand and agree to have legal liability and contractual obligation to ensure all materials provided to the company comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, including but not limited to “The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance”, “The Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance” and “The Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”. The company does not assume any inspection or verification responsibility for the content provided to the company by customers or their agents or any third parties. The company reserves the right not to accept orders or not to continue to print or not to deliver goods or services that may violate laws, regulations or ethics. The company hereby declares that the company does not have responsibility for the printed content, related display, publication or use of users, their agents or any third parties.
- If customer violates the above terms of service and lead our company to suffer any loss or file with any form of lawsuit or claim, customer should undertake to indemnify for the loss.
In case of any inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.
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